na vrh

L-Taurine liquid

Liquid taurine for cats - L-Taurine
Liquid taurine for cats - L-Taurine

Taurine for cats is an essential amino acid that cats must ingest to ensure their optimal health.

Liquid taurine for cats 100 ml

CATEGORIES: Supplements for cats

Features and actions:

Taurine for cats is an essential amino acid that cats must ingest to ensure their optimal health.

While dogs and humans can synthesize taurine from other amino acid precursors, cats do not have the appropriate enzymes to do the same. Therefore, cats can find taurine in foods of animal origin, such as fish, beef and chicken, in an amount of about 35mg / kg of fresh meat.

Lack of taurine in the diet of cats can lead to various health disorders, such as hair loss, tooth decay, heart problems, retinal degeneration, which can lead to complete loss of vision.


Increases the appetite and resistance of the organism.



1 ml = 300 mg

Dosage: 1 ml at 10 kg, every day